A Step-by-Step Guide to Eliminate Slow FTP Speeds

FTP is a very common method of transferring files from your Seedbox to your local machine. Every Seedbox of ours comes with an FTP account that allows you to easily download and upload files from and to your Seedbox.

In some cases, you might experience slow FTP speeds due to a number of different factors. We in RapeedSeedbox want our users to benefit from the greatest service and sometimes providing a few tools and valuable information is everything you need to fix things yourself and not waiting for that annoying support ticket to be answered 😉
Below you can find a few simple tips that you can use in order to troubleshoot slow FTP speeds.

Slow FTP Speeds

1. Firstly, be patient and try again a bit later. Most cases your Seedbox is sharing resources with other Seedboxes on one of our dedicated servers (unless you purchased a Dedicated Seedbox ). Which means that sometimes other users download from the same server at the same time. Downloads are temporary and based on our experience, most FTP slowness solving itself by simply trying at another time where the server is less busy, or otherwise keep your downloads on and as soon as the server’s bandwidth is freed up, it’ll be allocated to you.

2. If you’re experiencing slow FTP speeds, the first thing we recommend doing is to check the articles below that will help you maximize your FTP speeds:

Speed Up FTP Downloads
Maximizing FTP Speeds in FileZilla

3. Sometimes FTP speeds are low and files hang on a certain percentage for some time. This problem sometimes appears due to Antivirus protection or Firewall, simply because they’re checking every file that you’re downloading and they might clog your hard disk’s I/O so try to shut them down and then check FTP speed and if files that are being transferred hanging restart your FTP transfers.

4. Sometimes FTP speeds are slow because you use too many processes that consume your bandwidth, so in order to check if this is a cause of a problem, stop your any download managers, peer-to-peer software, streaming or media servers or any other application that might exhaust your bandwidth.t Once done, try downloading.

5. Your Seedbox may have pre-existing issues that might reflect on its I/O or bandwidth. Try locating this problem or reverse any change you made before the slowness started. If you fail to do so, please open a support ticket via your Client Area and our dedicated support team will assist.

6. If you experience overall slowness in your Seedbox (Your torrent client, processing commands, using your Remote Desktop, etc.) that suggests that your Seedbox might be suffering due to another abusive Seedbox on the same server that hosts your Seedbox or an issue on the hosting server level. Please contact our support team so we’ll try to pinpoint that and solve it. Once again, this is done via the Client Area .

7. Our servers are located in France and Netherlands (hopefully in Canada soon). Your FTP speeds can be slower if you’re based in a far location from our data center and peering isn’t effective. In other words, the data needs to travel a long way until it reaches out to you, therefore, it takes a longer time for it to reach out to your local machine. Please contact our support team and see if there is a slot in a different location, this might improve the connectivity/peering between your local machine and our Seedbox. This process is free of charge!

8. If nothing from above is helpful to you we can give you new seedbox on some other server and transfer all of your data there free of charge.

Slow FTP speeds are frustrating, but can definitely be fixed, the tips above will help you accomplish that. Patience and knowing what kind of speeds you should expect from the first place are also helpful. We hope that you’ll benefit from your Seedbox to the fullest!

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