How to use RSS on Deluge using YaRSS2 plugin

In this how to guide we will show you how to use RSS on Deluge in combination with YaRSS2 plugin. 1) Frist thing you need to do is to connect to your Deluge web-ui. Then go to “Preferences” then “Plugins” tab. Select “YaRSS2” and click install button. 2) When you click “Install” new window will

How to Use the Scheduler plugin of Deluge

[vc_row bg_type=”theme_default” el_class=”tutorial”][vc_column][vc_column_text]One of the most useful built-in features of Deluge is it’s Scheduler plugin. A unique feature of this plugin is the ability to place limits on bandwidth usage throughout the day. Here’s a short walk-through on how to activate it on webUI. Login to Deluge WebUI. Go to Preferences > Plugins Check or