How to Sync files using DropBox on Mac

What is a DropBox

Dropbox is one of the most popular services dedicated for backup, sync or sharing your files. A free subscription gives you an option to store your files on a cloud with 2Gb of space.

There are two ways of creating the account:

  • By visiting
  • Installing DropBox client and running it for the first time will give you a option to log in/sign in.

So let’s get started!

First steps running DropBox on Mac

After you have installed DropBox on Mac OSx, a new folder called Dropbox will be created in your ‘home’ directory.


By the default, this is a place where you can simply drag and drop your files to get in sync with  a server/other accounts.

Next step to do, is to log into our Seedbox using X2Go client, enter your credentials that you’ve used while registering your account, and you should get a window like this, indicating that Dropbox was installed successfully:

dropbox on mac sign in

If we want to set up some Advanced options, we just click on “Advanced settings


Here we can change our default folder that we are using for syncing with the server. This option is useful, if for an example, we want to sync our Downloads folder, so we can access it from anywhere.

In this tutorial, we created a simple Test_file in our Seedbox DropBox folder which is used to get in sync with all machines.

After it is synchronized with a server (uploaded), in our local Mac machine we can see it is downloaded without our management, which saves us some time transferring our files.


Status ‘up to date’ indicates that all files have been successfully synchronised and uploaded.

We can acces those files even from our non-Mac machine, via any browser by just navigating to and logging in.



Whatever file we drop into our Dropbox folder (if we haven’t set  different folder), either in a folder in Seedbox, a folder called DropBox on Mac, or even upload some files via the browser, it will be synced across all our machines where we have Dropbox installed and running.

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