How to Connect to Your Seedbox using SSH

Before anything else, you need to download Putty – A free software for Windows. It supports SSH, Telnet, Raw, Rlogin and Serial connections. Once you have the program downloaded and installed on your local PC, proceed to the following steps:
1. Run Putty software. You should be seeing this window

2. Under Host name or IP address, fill in your IP address from the welcome email we sent. Leave the default port 22. Make sure SSH is selected, and then click Open. The next window will be similar below.

3. Log in as either as “user” or “root” and enter the password provided to you in the welcome email. When logging in as “root”, use the root password provided and when logging as “user”, user FTP/VNC password.Note: While typing your SSH password, you will not be able to see the characters you typed, so take your time. Once you are sure you have provided the password, hit “enter” on your keyboard.

Please note that while typing your password, you will not be able to see the characters you typed so do not hurry.

Once you are sure you have provided the right password, hit “enter” on your keyboard.

4. You should be greeted with texts similar to this after hitting enter on your keyboard given that you typed the correct password

Congratulations! You have successfully logged in to your account via SSH.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row bg_type=”theme_default” el_class=”tutorial”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

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