Get Started With Your Seedbox

Congratulations on your new Seedbox!

You have taken a big step towards your own security, anonymity, and an exciting peer-to-peer experience like you never had before.

If you are not sure what is the next step and how to use a Seedbox, please keep reading.

Log in to your Seedbox

Get your login credentials and test them out.

You can locate them in your email inbox by looking for an email with the following subject: “RapidSeedbox | Your Seedbox Is Ready”

To understand every section of that email please refer to the following tutorial: Understanding the “Your Seedbox Is Ready” E-mail


Using your Seedbox

Start downloading and uploading files using your Seedbox torrent client!

The following tutorials will guide you through the process, just make sure to identify what is the torrent client you require assistance with:


Downloading and Uploading of files

Downloading and Uploading files via your torrent client are done remotely, in other words, the files remain on our servers.

In order to download a file from your Seedbox to your local desktop, an FTP Client will help you connect to your Seedbox and download the files.

These are some useful tutorials for that purpose:

Seedbox Remote Desktop

use a seedbox x2go

Our Seedboxes comes with a fully featured and secure Remote Desktop.

Check the tutorials below to learn how to use it:

Increase your Privacy with OpenVPN

use a seedbox openvpn

Our OpenVPN service in pre-installed in your Seedbox and helps you hide your local IP address, and increase privacy while browsing the internet.

Check the tutorials below to learn how to use it:

Maximize Seedbox Speeds

There are many aspects to optimizing Seedbox speeds. While the network/bandwidth speed in your Seedbox is essential to determine the potential traffic speeds. Metrics like the actual torrent you are loading, how many seeders/leechers it has, the timing you loaded the torrent and more will determine your speeds.

Check the tutorials below to learn a little more about the reasons that might cause your Seedbox to work slower than expected and how to efficiently monitor it:

Become a Seedbox Expert

Browse our Help section for many more tips and tricks on how to use a Seedbox every step of the way without any issues.

We’ll keep updating this page with more content soon, but in the meantime if you have further questions, please contact our support department by opening a ticket in your client area.

Not sure how? please refer to How to submit a Support Ticket

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