Introduction to X2GO Remote Desktop

If you are relatively new in our company, you probably already benefit from our new Seedbox template which also introduced improved Remote Desktop capabilities. You are now accessing your seedbox remote desktop using X2go which is an advanced Remote Desktop solution.

Over the past 6 years, our clients used to log into their Seedbox remote desktop using a VNC solution which is an old fashioned method to control a computer from remote using Remote Frame Buffer protocol (RFB).

During 2015, RapidSeedbox has made the decision to upgrade our Seedbox remote desktop capabilities and introduced the X2Go remote desktop solution which requires you to install an X2Go client in your local machine.

You can connect to your Seedbox remote desktop (the X2GO server for this matter) from a computer running Windows, Mac OS X or any popular linux distribution.

RapidSeedbox team strongly advise existing clients that still use our old VNC solution on their Seedbox to upgrade their Seedbox, for your convenience we’ll list a few major benefits to X2Go over VNC:

  • Security – X2GO Traffic is securely tunneled over SSH.
  • Privacy – Each user is having an individual Desktop Session which maximizes the privacy of our clients.
  • Performance – X2Go’s Graphical remote desktop will work well on low bandwidth and high bandwidth connections. To be more specific, X2GO takes full advantage of modern hardware by caching all manner of data to make the session as responsive as possible.
  • File Sharing – You can easily upload files from your local machine to the server using the X2GO client.

Useful tutorials

If you have further questions, please contact our support department by opening a ticket in your client area.

Not sure how? please refer to How to submit a Support Ticket

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