How to log into your Seedbox Remote Desktop on Mac (OSX)

How to log to your Seedbox Remote Desktop on PC (Windows)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to reach your remote desktop using X2Go Remote Desktop Client on MAC. X2Go is simple to use and also fit low bandwidth conditions.

Step 1

Download and Install X2GO Client on your local machine:
X2Go Client for Mac

Step 2

Once the application is installed, you are ready to use it by using the login credentials sent to you when you ordered a seedbox.

The Remote Seedbox Desktop login credentials contains the following information:

  • Host (Your IP Address)
  • Login (Your Username)
  • Password (Your Password)
  • SSH port (22)
  • Session Type (XFCE)

Please click on Session > New Session to create a new session.
X2GO New Session

Submit your login details (Password will be submitted later):
X2GO New Session

Tip: While configuring your new session, click on Input/Output tab and under “Display” choose a custom size of Width=1600 and Height=900, this is our favorite resolution which works very well.

Step 3

Click on the session you created and log in using the password you have:
Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 3.49.38 PM

If you see a “Host key verification failed.” popup box that says: The server is unknown. Do you trust the host key? Please click on Yes to trust this connection.

Step 4

A successful login will result in a log session that shows the progress of the connection process.
X2go mac session

Step 5

Within a few moments, If your login details are correct, you will be able to use your Seedbox Remote Desktop.


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