Why RapidSeedbox?


What is RapidSeedbox?

RapidSeedbox is a Seedbox VPS & Dedicated Server provider focused on anonymity.

Why choosing us?

  • In RapidSeedbox we believe that an anonymous experience should be available for every person who seeks it. This is essential for every individual to have in the modern world. No one should expect any less in 2016.
  • We eliminate any worry for our clients might have, our servers are maintained in a server farm 24\7 and we guarantee a 99.99% up-time of any service you purchase with us.
  • We have a special customer support team, who are entirely dedicated to making every customer happy. We do everything needed to make our customers happy as this is the most important outcome of our business, to serve you with the highest level of quality possible. Our goal is to add more value than anyone else.
  • We accept both EUR and USD, very convenient for both European & United States clients.
  • We offer servers and services from both France and Netherlands, so you can enjoy the benefits of each server farm depending on your location. This is done in order to determine which one will be the faster and most convenient for your needs.
  • We can offer full IP rentals to clients, from small ranges to a full \20 ranges, as our company owns a large number of IP’s. You can utilize it not only for your Seedbox but for your Dedicated Server, with your own unique needs & wants.
  • CANI: Constant And Never Ending Improvement. We always work on improving our services, improving our templates, improving our customer support, improving our speeds, improving our hardware & infrastructure. As a client of ours, you will enjoy every new improvement we come up with in our company.

Get your Seedbox in 3 minutes. Learn more.

Advantages of our Seedbox over others.

  • Your bandwidth is unlimited. Zero-worry about how much bandwidth you can use.
  • We will provide your Seedbox to you within 3 minutes from starting the order process. No waiting.You will enjoy your service right away after you complete your payment.
  • Whether you are someone new, have no idea what is a Seedbox yet, an expert in the field, or you have a high or low budget, RapidSeedbox has something to offer for you that will fit your specific and unique needs, from low-budget to high-budget, from simple to use to the most advanced uses possible with your Seedbox.
  • Simple control panel: RapidSeedbox simple and intuitive control panel makes it easy to control your Seedbox from your client area.
  • Full mobile optimization. You can use your service on any mobile device (iOS \ Android) easily.
  • Full help section packed up with information & guides, designed to help you every step of the way, with every possible scenario.
  • Professional, yet simple Seedbox service starting at €4.5/week
  • Reputation: Our company has been providing this Seedbox service for over 5 years and counting. Our clients trust us and we are here to provide the best service in the industry.

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